Sunday, 18 July 2010

Farewell, Blogspot, Blogger, whatever you're called

You know I wrote something about making my own website? Well I gone and done it now. It was quite hilarious and frustrating, as I merrily broke things left right & center by forgetting to close my curly brackets and such.

Here it is:

You can see I imported all my JamTart history into it (even your comments, bless!). Going forward, over there is where all the action will be. And lil JamTart, which has been so good to me, shall now languish un-updated.

You can still follow me on Blogger, by putting my blog feed into your Reading List. Or you can subscribe with another RSS reader, if you prefer...

And I shall continue to check my Blogger Reading List to see what you all are up to :)

See you on the other side!
