Wednesday 10 February 2010

Thinking over things

While walking to & from the tube in my new commute, I've been thinking over the current short story in progress, Piscky's Ascent (the title's growing on me). I now have an idea of the edits I want to make. Here are the questions I asked myself to get there:

So, what is this story about? aka, what do I *want* it to be about?
(My answer is the relationship between 2 people preparing to meet their deaths)

I think that is really the Big Question To Ask. Then, follow on questions from that were:

What would people do in the situation my characters are in?
Can I see my characters demonstrating those thoughts/actions?

Maybe I'll work on those edits today, since it is my writing night. (But I'm not going to start writing until I've had dinner because I just.cannot.concentrate on an empty stomach!!)

I've also been musing on In Finding, and its plotpoints (heartbeats). Funny how much stuff you need to unravel and knit together when writing a novel, no? Not only making sure all the threads get screentime but that as my character juggles those things, she is also developing as a character -- getting the tools & prompts, making choices, facing up to her challenges. All the while being consistent.

It did mean that when I sat down with the story in the weekend, I had to delete a scene I'd already written and do it again! Gah. So I'm still on the same word count. One step forward, one step back, it feels like! A while ago I told myself not to get hung up on word count, but yanno... it's hard not to. It's such a concrete measure of progress when everything else is so impalpable -- it's kind of hard to measure "story solidity & consistency" or "level of informed research" or even just "knowledge of this story"!


Curious Character said...

Hard to measure but really important for your story to have something to lift it off the page and make your future readers care. You're all good Katie :-) and don't get hung up on the word count, sure it's concrete but that doesn't mean much!