Monday 22 February 2010

Third book of 2010

I churned through It by Stephen King and finally finished it over the weekend. Deargod. That was a BIG book. If you take into account that the usual paperback has ~250 words per page, then this book must be over 340,000 words.

Puts my current 46k to shame, don't it! I take comfort in the fact that if I were to write a 340k book, there is no way it would be accepted for publication unless I was a well-established author - and even then only in certain genres. Thank you, btw, straight-talking agent blogs, for learning me that.

So, the book itself - chunky yet absorbing, and unpredictable. Gruesome in parts. And so, so vivid. Won't read it again though. I've read the equally long The Stand multiple times but It doesn't have the same draw to me, doesn't have that same absorption in the tale.

This'll surprise anyone who knows me: I even want to watch It THE MOVIE after finishing this book. That's right, Kate actually wants to watch a scary movie. Kate who, when dragged to such films by the Duffster, "watches" most of them through her fingers and vows never to see another one again.

I always like to see how books are translated to screen though. And maybe knowing what is going to happen will make it easier to watch!

Plus there is always the pause button.

And for Stephen King fans out there -- can you name all 35 of his novels in 10 minutes? It doesn't include short story collections, non-fiction or books published under Bachman. I managed 8 before giving up -- it would have been 10, too, but I misspelled one of the titles and couldn't remember the precise misspelling of another (I knew it was misspelled but couldn't remember how)!


notwelshman said...

Don't bother with the film. Trust me on this. Although, if you wish to ignore my warning, I can lend it to you (or you can buy it for less than the cost of a rental!).